모바일 메뉴 열기




이승환Lee, Seung Hwan

  • 소속 경영학과
  • 연구실다산관 525
  • 이메일 slee33@ajou.ac.kr
  • 내선번호2724


  • Marketing Modeling, Behavioral Economics, Digital/Service Industry, Pricing


  • 2017.02 Syracuse Univ 박사
  • 2009.08 서울대학교 석사
  • 2007.02 서울대학교 학사


    키움증권 : Kiwoom Securities (Online stock brokerage), Korea, 2011
    - Marketing Consultant
    KT : Korea Telecom, Korea, 2009-2010
    - Marketing Strategy & Consumer Research targeted at small business owners


    Mainly use Applied Game Theory and Empirical Research to further connect Consumer Behavior and Quantitative Marketing. 
    Interested Topics : Pricing, Promotions, Digital/High-tech Marketing, Fairness Perception, Online Negotiations(Name-Your-Own-Price), Behavioral Economics, and Marketing Channels


     AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, London Business School, 2015
     ISMS Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Emory Univ., 2014
     Quantitative Marketing and Structural Econometrics Workshop Fellow, Duke Univ., 2013
     Doctoral Fellowship, Syracuse Univ., 2011 – 2017
     Summer Research Fellowship, Syracuse Univ., 2012, 2014, 2015
     Scholarship for Teaching Assistantship, Seoul National Univ., 2007-2008


  • [논문] 이승환, Scott Fay, Why offer lower prices to past customers? Inducing favorable social price comparisons to enhance customer retention, QME-QUANTITATIVE MARKETING AND ECONOMICS, Vol.15, No.2, pp. 123-163 (Jun, 2017)
  • [논문] Scott Fay, 이승환, The role of customer expectations in name-your-own-price markets, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, Vol.68, No.3, pp. 675-683 (Mar, 2015)


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  • [논문] 정보희, 이승환, 김한구, The impact of belongingness and graphic-based emoticon usagemotives on emoticon purchase intentions for MIM: an analysis of Korean KakaoTalk users, ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW, Vol.46, No.2, pp. 391-411 (Mar, 2022)
  • [논문] Chong Kyoon Lee, Fariss Mousa, Jin Young Lee, 이승환, Consumer Behaviour and Social Entrepreneurship: The Case of South Korea, JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP, pp. 0-0 (Oct, 2021)
  • [논문] 이승환, An Exploration of Initial Purchase Price Dispersion and Service-Subscription Duration, SUSTAINABILITY, Vol.11, No.9, pp. 2481-2494 (Apr, 2019)
  • [논문] 이승환, Scott Fay, Why offer lower prices to past customers? Inducing favorable social price comparisons to enhance customer retention, QME-QUANTITATIVE MARKETING AND ECONOMICS, Vol.15, No.2, pp. 123-163 (Jun, 2017)
  • [논문] Scott Fay, 이승환, The role of customer expectations in name-your-own-price markets, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, Vol.68, No.3, pp. 675-683 (Mar, 2015)
  • [논문] 이승환, 김상훈, The Influence of Purchase Channel Knowledge, Travel Experience, and Gender on Online Travel Reservation Channel Choice: Comparison between Flight and Accommodation Reservation Services, 관광경영연구, pp. 541-564 (Sep, 2020)
  • [논문] 황유나, 이승환, 최광남, 정부의 R&D 투자가 혁신성과와 재정성과에 미치는 영향분석: 연구개발 단계를 중심으로, 기술혁신학회지, Vol.22, No.4, pp. 503-525 (Aug, 2019)
  • [학술회의] 이승환, Eunkyu Lee, The Impact of Price Dispersion on Subscription Service Renewal, ICAMA KAS 2020 International Conference, (Oct, 2020)
  • [학술회의] 이승환, Eunkyu Lee, Other Customers’ Price Information and Service Subscription Renewal, Marketing Management Association 2020 Fall conference, (Oct, 2020)
  • [학술회의] 이종균, 이승환, 강진영, Untangling the effects of consumer's characteristics on the perception of social entrepreneurship, CSES DB 콜로키움 논문 경진대회, (Nov, 2020)
  • [학술회의] 이승환, 김상훈, 해외여행 온라인 구매 서비스의 채널 선택에서 성별 차이, 채널 지식, 여행 경험의 영향: 항공권과 숙박 구매 서비스의 비교, 한국호텔외식관광경영학회 2020년 제59차 정기학술대회, (Aug, 2020)
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