모바일 메뉴 열기




  • Note that the recruiting departments may differ every semester.
  • Each department and major has different language ability requirement.
  • Must check the language ability requirement on the qualification. You can find more information on the admission guideline.

E=Engineering, N=Natural Science, M=Medical Science, P=Pharmacy, H=Human & Business & Social Science

Departments of Graduate School
College of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering
Civil Systems Engineering Civil Systems Engineering
Smart Convergence Architecture Architecture
Architecture Engineering
Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
Molecular Science & Technology Applied Chemistry(E)
Biological Engineering(E)
Medical Science(N)
Pharmaceutical Science(N)
Science Technology Policy Science Technology Policy(Public policy)
Science Technology Policy(E)
College of Information Technology Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering
Space Survey and Information Technology
Space Survey and Information Technology
Intelligence Semiconductor Engineering Intelligence Semiconductor Engineering
College of Computing and Informatics Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Digital Media
Digital Media
Military Digital Convergence
IT Convergence
Cyber warfare
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Convergence Network Computer Engineering and Security
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Cybersecurity Cybersecurity
College of Natural Sciences Mathematics Mathematics
Data Science
Physics Physics
Chemistry Chemistry
Biological Science Biological Science
School of Business Business Administration Marketing
Business Analytics and Information Systems
Business Analytics and Information Systems
Financial Engineering Financial Engineering
School of Humanities Korean Language and Literature Korean Language and Literature
Teaching Korean as Foreign Lanaguage
English Language and Literature Translation and Interpreting
History Digital History
Korean History
Culture and Contents

Local culture and art management

Digital Humanities and Convergence
Medical Humanities & Psychoanalysis
School of Social Sciences Psychology Psychological Measurement and Data Analysis
Applied Social Science Applied Social Science
Political Science and Diplomacy Political Science and Diplomacy
Public Administration
Public Administration
Law Law Law
School of Medicine Medical Sciences Clinical Medicine (M, N)
Public Health and Social Medicine(M, N)
Medical Sciences of Healthy Aging(M, N)
Integrative Biomedicine(M, N)
Translational Research(M, N)
Biomedical Sciences Molecular Medicine(M, N)
Neuroscience(M, N)
Cancer Biology(M, N)
Biomedical Informatics(M, N)

Artifical Intelligence in Medicine(M, N, E, P)

Biomedical Engineering Medical Device Industry(M, N, E)
Digital Healthcare(M, N, E)
Clinical Research Science(M, N, E)
School of Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy
- Energy System Research Qunatum Information Energy Science(N)
Energy Chemistry(N)
Energy Chemical Engineering(E)
Energy Materials Engineering(E)
Energy Economics(H)
Energy and Environmental Engineering(E)
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  1. Program : Master's Programs, Doctoral Programs, Master's/Doctoral Intergrated Programs
  2. Recruiting department : Recruitment of foreign students can be varied on educational conditions by departments. Therefore before applying you need to receive consultation from the Chief of Department or Head Professor.
  3. Pre-Contact Requirement : Check the requirement of pre-contact on the admission brochure

Email Address of the Dean

Email Address of the Dean
Division Department Field of Study Chief of Department’s e-mail (updating)
College of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering ymanchoi@ajou.ac.kr
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering tsshim@ajou.ac.kr
Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering
Civil System Engineering
Civil System Engineering
Molecular Science and Technology Applied Chemistry kimys@ajou.ac.kr
Biological Engineering
Medical Science
Pharmaceutical Science
Science Technology Policy
Science Technology Policy(Public policy)
Science Technology Policy(E)
College of Information Technology Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering jungwony@ajou.ac.kr
Space Survey and Information Engineering Space Survey and Information Engineering jungwony@ajou.ac.kr
Intelligence Semiconductor Engineering Intelligence Semiconductor Engineering dwjee@ajou.ac.kr

College of Computing and Informatics
Computer Engineering Computer Engineering syoh@ajou.ac.kr
Digital Media Digital Media maldes@ajou.ac.kr
Military Digital Convergence IT Convergence parkjo05@ajou.ac.kr
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence kasohn@ajou.ac.kr
AI Convergence Network AI Convergence Network bhroh@ajou.ac.kr
Cybersecurity Cybersecurity
College of Natural Sciences Mathematics Mathematics qrio1010@ajou.ac.kr
Physics Physics slee01@ajou.ac.kr
Chemistry Chemistry hkang@ajou.ac.kr
Biological Science Biological Science hsunkim@ajou.ac.kr

School of Business

Business Administration
Marketing hrhee@ajou.ac.kr
MS/OM sungmj@ajou.ac.kr
OB/HRM mwchoi@ajou.ac.kr
Accounting yoonsora@ajou.ac.kr
Finance sfwang@ajou.ac.kr
Law Law Law kheon@ajou.ac.kr
College of Medicine Medical Sciences   aysays@aumc.ac.kr
Biomeedical Sciences   hg@ajou.ac.kr
Biomedical Engineering
School of Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy mdseo@ajou.ac.kr
- Energy Systems Research Applied Physics hyjang2@ajou.ac.kr
Energy Chemical Engineering
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