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[Notice] Temporary Holiday on Aug.14th(Fri) [Schedule Change]

  • 심규리
  • 2015-08-12
  • 70745

Notice of Temporary Holiday on Aug. 14th(Fri), 2015

We’d like to notify the students in Graduate school that this Friday (Aug.14) will be a temporary holiday of National Liberation Day(Aug. 15). So we inform you of the change of the schedule for Conferment of degree for the class of 2014(second semester) and the application period for undergraduate classes. Please check the information stated below.


1. The change of the application period for Undergraduate classes
  - Before : Aug. 12th(Wed) ~ Aug. 14th(Fri), 09:30 ~ 17:00
  - (After) Application for Undergraduate classes : Aug. 12th(Wed) ~ Aug. 13th(Thu), Aug. 17th(Mon), 09:30 ~ 17:00
  ※ Application for classes of Graduate school : Aug.12th(Wed) ~ Aug. 18th(Tue), 2015.


2. The change of the date of conferment of the degree for the class of 2014
  - Before : Aug. 14th(Fri)
  - (After) Date of Conferment of degree : Aug. 17th (Mon), 2015


  - Academic Gown Rental service : Students can rent an Academic gown from the each department office during the period from Aug. 12th(Wed)~Aug. 13th(Thu), Aug. 17th(Mon), 2015.
  ※ You can rent it by leaving your ID card like student ID card to the department office.
  - Receipt of Diploma : Students can receive their Diploma from the department office during the period stated above. (from Aug. 12th(Wed) ~ Aug. 13th(Thu), Aug. 17th(Mon), 2015.)

  - In this conferment, there are no hooding ceremony for Fall graduates. The graduation hooding ceremony will be held in February of 2016
  - From Aug. 17th(Mon), Certificate of graduation and Certificate of completion of courses will be printed out from Ajou Service Center(Student Union 1st floor) and through the online website.


Again, Please be aware that every office and store in school will be closed on that day(Aug.14th(Fri), 2015).

Thank you

- Office of Graduate school -