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Admission Notices

[GKS] Notice for 2022 Global Korea Scholarship Graduate School

  • Graduate School
  • 2022-02-15
  • 8280

Notice for 2022 Global Korea Scholarship(GKS)

2022 정부초청외국인 대학원 장학생(GKS) 선발 공고


  1. GKS Application Submission Deadline : April 1, 2022 (GKS-R&D Deadline: April 6, 2022)

     *Each department will contact to each applicant regarding interview.

     *Online submission is not available.


  2. Available field

-  General

-  R&D ( Available department : Computer Engineering )


 3. Please download the attachment and refer to the guide.


  4. Application Submission Address 

    [English] Graduate School, Yulgok Hall#305, 206 Worldcup-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon,                   Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, 16499

    [Korean] 경기도 수원시 영통구 월드컵로 206, 율곡관 305호, 아주대학교 대학원교학팀

                  우편번호 16499


 5. Please find the attachments and read carefully guideline and FAQs

 6. Ajou University follows GKS admission and documents guidelines


Graduate School of AJOU University


아주대학교 대학원