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[채용공고] ENS 디자인 그룹 사원모집(ENS Design Group Shanhai Recruitment)

  • OIA
  • 2014-02-14
  • 7514

ENS 디자인 그룹, 사원 모집

회사명:  ENS 디자인 그룹 상해 법인

한국에서 삼성그룹 과 CJ 그룹 등 대기업의 싸인 설계 및 시공기술을 바탕으로 중국에 진출한 외자독자기업으로 상해에 법인을 설립하여 중국에서 삼성그룹 및 CJ그룹 의 CJ CGV, 뚜레쥬레, 올리브영 디자인개발을 진행할 뿐만 아니라, 중국 내 싸인 설계 디자인분야 최고 전문기술기업으로 성장하고 있으며, 기업 사세확장으로 유능한 인원을 초빙하고자 함.

                                               모집 대상:  1) 한국유학 중국유학생출신 / 한국어 가능자

                                                              2) 디자인에 흥미가 있고 꿈을 키우고 싶은 자

                                                              3) 신입사원 지원 가능

                                               모집 부문: 1) 디자인 분야: 0명 / 시각디자인, 산업디자인 등

                                                             2) 마케팅분야: 0명 / 전공무관

                                               성별: 무관

                                               근무지: 상해

                                               대 우: 1) 면접 시 급여 결정

                                                        2) 각종 사회 보험 등 복지제도 적용

                                                        3) 능력에 따른 인센티브제도 운영

                                               모집기한: 충원 시까지

                                               문의 및 신청방법

                                               연락: 02-784-8284,6 송실장

                                               이력서등록: www.korina21.com -> 구인구직 ->이력서등록

                                               이 메일 연락: job@korina21.com


ENS Design Group Recruitment

 ENS Design Group Shanghai Corp.

ENS design group is a foreign investment business which established a Shanghai, branch on the basis of design and construction techniques acquired from big companies such as CJ group, Samsung group. ENS develops designs for Samsung, CJ group’s CJ CGV, TOURS LES JOURS, OLIVE YOUNG. It is also the best in China, specializing in the signature design field and is growing to be the best company in its field.  ENS Design group invites candidates to join its team of professionals

Target for employment:

1) Chinese students studying in Korea who have Korean language proficiency

2) A person who is interested in Design and wants to grow as d designer

3) Entry-level can apply for it

                                               Field of Employment  1) Design: 0 / Visual Design, Industrial Design etc.

                                                                             2) Marketing: 0 / Regardless of Major

                                               Genders: All

                                               Place of work: Shanghai

                                               Treatment: 1) Payment: Confirmed in Interview

                                                              2) Various Social insurances and Welfares

                                                              3) Performance related incentives

                                               Deadline: Until occupied

                                               Inquiries & Application submission

                                               Inquiry: 02-784-8284, 6 Mr. Song

                                               Submit: www.korina21.com -> 구인구직 ->이력서등록

                                               E-mail contact: job@korina21.com