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[세미나/포럼] [2023.06.19(월)] 2023 AJOU MST International Mini-symposium 안내(11:00-15:00)

분자과학기술학과에서는 2023 AJOU MST International Mini-symposium을 아래와 같이 진행하오니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

▶일시: 2023.06.19.(월) 11:00-15:00

▶장소: 혜강관 104호

▶주제: Systems biology for ChemBio-medicine

▶세부주제 및 연사
 - 11:00~12:00:  Integrated nanosensor technologies for molecular analyses of circulating biomarkers
                        / Huilin Shao 교수님(National University of Singapore)
- 12:00~13:00: Metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells for proliferation and metastasis
                       / 정상무 교수님(Johns Hopkins University)

 - 13:00~14:00: Systems and synthetic biology: constructing smart and programmable microbes to address global problems
                       / 문태석 교수님(Washington Univeristy in St.Louis)

 - 14:00~15:00: Exit the Cube: Next-Level Molecular Tools for Click-Triggered Bioorthogonal Bond-Cleavage 
                       / Hannes Mikula 교수님(Vienna University of Technology)

▶초청: 김은하, 유태현 교수님

▶문의: 켐바이오메디신 교육연구단(031-219-1591)