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박대찬Daechan Park

  • 소속 첨단바이오융합대학 / 분자과학기술학과
  • 연구실원천관203
  • 이메일 dpark@ajou.ac.kr
  • 내선번호2514


  • Genomics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Immune Repertoire


  • 2014.05 Univ Texas-Austin 박사
  • 2008.02 서울대학교 학사


    2022 - 현재 아주대학교 부교수
    2018 - 2022 아주대학교 조교수
    2016 - 2018 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) 선임연구원
    2014 - 2016 University of Texas at Austin 화학공학과 박사후연구원


  • [논문] 김재훈, 박세원, 오성룡, 김근일, 이정윤, 이현식, 차주원, 박대찬, 백성희, PHF20 is crucial for epigenetic control of starvation-induced autophagy through enhancer activation, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, Vol.50, No.14, pp. 7856-7872 (8월, 2022)
  • [논문] 김종서, 김천아, 성상현, 김다은, Hiroyuki Niida, 김빛내리, 김은경, 김준, 서제니, 신상희, 이현지, 정윤석, 박대찬, 이준호, Telomeres reforged with non-telomeric sequences in mouse embryonic stem cells, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, Vol.1, No.1097, pp. 1-15 (2월, 2021)
  • [논문] 부경진, 오성룡, 김재범, 백선아, 유정현, 이호, 전윤, 최희정, 박대찬, 백성희, 이지민, The chromatin-binding protein PHF6 functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase of H2BK120 via H2BK12Ac recognition for activation of trophectodermal genes, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, Vol.48, No.16, pp. 9037-9052 (9월, 2020)
  • [논문] 김동하, 오세규, 고연희, 김경규, 김익수, 부경진, 유영석, 이수형, 이지민, 이호, 임선경, 전윤, 박대찬, 백성희, 황성순, RORα is crucial for attenuated inflammatory response to maintain intestinal homeostasis, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Vol.116, No.42, pp. 21140-21149 (10월, 2019)
  • [논문] 박대찬, Andrew D. Ellington, 정철희, Selection of self-priming molecular replicators, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, Vol.47, No.5, pp. 2169-2176 (1월, 2019)


아래 탭을 클릭하여 상세내용 확인바랍니다. (Please click on the tab for more information)

  • [논문] 김재훈, 우현지, 김동우, 김슬미, 문재윤, 박대찬, 이재성, Context-dependent genomic locus effects on antibody production in recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cells generated through random integration, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, Vol.23, pp. 1654-1665 (4월, 2024)
  • [논문] Hyemin Kim, Seulki Song, So Young Joo, Young Hoon Choi , Youngil Koh, 박대찬, Byul Moon, Dong-Yeop Shin, Hyung Rae Kim, Jamin Byun, Jong Kyun Lee, Junshik Hong, Kwang Hyuck Lee, Kyu Taek Lee, Se-Hoon Lee, Solip Park, Hyunsook Lee, Jin-Young Jang, Joo Kyung Park, Jung-Ae Kim, Sung-Soo Yoon, Genetic assessment of pathogenic germline alterations in lysosomal genes among Asian patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, Journal of Translational Medicine, Vol.21, No.730, pp. 1-17 (10월, 2023)
  • [논문] 문재윤, 서진아, 박대찬, 이재우, Assessment of attenuation of varicella-zoster virus vaccines based on genomic comparison, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY, Vol.95, No.3, pp. e28590-e28590 (3월, 2023)
  • [논문] 김다은, Do Young Hyeon, Dowoon Nam, Duk Ki Kim, Gibeom Kim, Youngmin Han, 현상엽, Chang Rok Kim, Dong-Gi Mun, Eunok Paek, Hangyeore Lee, Hokeun Kim, Hongbeom Kim, Inamul Hasan Madar, Ja-Lok Ku, Jingi Bae, Juhee Jeong, Kyung Bun Lee, Min-Sik Kim, Seon Ah Choi, Seunghoon Back, Seunghyuk Choi, Su-Jin Kim, Suwan Jeon, Taesung Park, Taewan Goo, Wooil Kwon, Yeon Woong Choo, Yong Ryoul Kim, Young-Ah Suh, 박대찬, Daehee Hwang, Jin-Young Jang, Keehoon Jung, Sang-Won Lee, Sung Hee Baek, Proteogenomic landscape of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in an Asian population reveals tumor cell-enriched and immune-rich subtypes, NATURE CANCER, Vol.4, No.2, pp. 290-307 (2월, 2023)
  • [논문] 박대찬, Fast Growing Furious Races for Targeting Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors, MOLECULES AND CELLS, Vol.45, No.11, pp. 789-791 (11월, 2022)
  • [논문] 현상엽, 박대찬, Challenges in genomic analysis of model systems and primary tumors of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, COMPUTATIONAL AND STRUCTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL, No.20, pp. 4806-4815 (9월, 2022)
  • [논문] 김재훈, 박세원, 오성룡, 김근일, 이정윤, 이현식, 차주원, 박대찬, 백성희, PHF20 is crucial for epigenetic control of starvation-induced autophagy through enhancer activation, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, Vol.50, No.14, pp. 7856-7872 (8월, 2022)
  • [논문] 김상훈, 김민정, 박대찬, 변수정, 이상기, Substrate-binding loop interactions with pseudouridine trigger conformational changes that promote catalytic efficiency of pseudouridine kinase PUKI, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol.289, No.5, pp. 101869-101869 (3월, 2022)
  • [논문] Jiwon Jung, 박대찬, Andrew P. Horton, Bing Tan, Congxi Ye, Daniel R. Boutz, Gregory C. Ippolito, Gregory R. King, Harry Kleanthous, Irina V. Ustyugova, Jin Eyun Kim, Jiwon Lee, Jonathan R. McDaniel, Joshua DiNapoli, Maria D. Person, Nicholas C. Curtis, Ponraj Prabakaran, Simon Delagrave, Sophia T. Mundle, Svetlana Pougatcheva, Ted M. Ross, Yuri Tanno, George Georgiou, Influenza vaccination in the elderly boosts antibodies against conserved viral proteins and egg-produced glycans, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION, Vol.131, No.13, pp. e148763-e148763 (7월, 2021)
  • [논문] 전선경, 김다은, 박대찬, 권우일, 김홍범, 장진영, 한영민, 김정훈, Diffusion-weighted MR imaging in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: prediction of next-generation sequencing-based tumor cellularity and prognosis after surgical resection, ABDOMINAL RADIOLOGY, pp. 1-13 (6월, 2021)
  • [논문] 김종서, 김천아, 성상현, 김다은, Hiroyuki Niida, 김빛내리, 김은경, 김준, 서제니, 신상희, 이현지, 정윤석, 박대찬, 이준호, Telomeres reforged with non-telomeric sequences in mouse embryonic stem cells, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, Vol.1, No.1097, pp. 1-15 (2월, 2021)
  • [논문] 부경진, 오성룡, 김재범, 백선아, 유정현, 이호, 전윤, 최희정, 박대찬, 백성희, 이지민, The chromatin-binding protein PHF6 functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase of H2BK120 via H2BK12Ac recognition for activation of trophectodermal genes, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, Vol.48, No.16, pp. 9037-9052 (9월, 2020)
  • [논문] 김태희, 이효진, 박대찬, Justin J. Chung, 김상헌, 김수현, 이관희, 장미희, 오승자, 정영미, Combinatorial Inhibition of Cell Surface Receptors Using Dual Aptamer-Functionalized Nanoconstructs for Cancer Treatment, PHARMACEUTICS, Vol.12, No.689, pp. 1-18 (7월, 2020)
  • [논문] 주신영, 박대찬, 권유미, 김정목, 이선정, 이진원, 황철상, 이철주, iNrich, Rapid and Robust Method to Enrich N-Terminal Proteome in a Highly Multiplexed Platform, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol.92, No.9, pp. 6462-6469 (5월, 2020)
  • [논문] 박대찬, 한기철, 김영애, 박경화, 박세호, 이영은, 이유나, 이지은, 이희진, 주신영, 허선희, 이철주, 장미희, Streamlined selection of cancer antigens for vaccine development through integrative multi-omics and high-content cell imaging, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, Vol.10, No.1, pp. 5885-5895 (4월, 2020)
  • [논문] Hidetaka Tanno, Timothy M. Gould, 박대찬, Cornelia L. Dekker, Cornelia M. Weyand, Jonathan R. McDaniel, Lu Tian, Russell E. Durrett, Steven J. Cate, Wenqiang Cao, William H. Hildebrand, Yuri Tanno, George Georgiou, Jörg J. Goronzy, Determinants governing T cell receptor α/β-chain pairing in repertoire formation of identical twins, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Vol.1, No.117, pp. 532-540 (1월, 2020)
  • [논문] 김예진, 박대찬, 백두산, 이세영, 강한나, 조병철, 김용성, Dual-targeting of EGFR and Neuropilin-1 attenuates resistance to EGFRtargeted antibody therapy in KRAS-mutant non-small cell lung cancer, CANCER LETTERS, pp. 23-34 (12월, 2019)
  • [논문] Dia N Bagchi, 박대찬, Anna M Battenhouse, Vishwanath R Iyer, The histone variant H2A.Z in yeast is almost exclusively incorporated into the +1 nucleosome in thedirection of transcription, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, pp. 1-14 (11월, 2019)
  • [논문] 김동하, 오세규, 고연희, 김경규, 김익수, 부경진, 유영석, 이수형, 이지민, 이호, 임선경, 전윤, 박대찬, 백성희, 황성순, RORα is crucial for attenuated inflammatory response to maintain intestinal homeostasis, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Vol.116, No.42, pp. 21140-21149 (10월, 2019)
  • [논문] 김다은, 박대찬, Deep sequencing of B cell receptor repertoire, BMB REPORTS, Vol.52, No.9, pp. 540-547 (9월, 2019)
  • [논문] 강미애, 황순영, 박대찬, 백철준, 이예진, Ngo Thanh Hang, 김병규, 명경재, 정재훈, 한주석, 이종수, CTCF cooperates with CtIP to drive homologousrecombination repair of double-strand breaks, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, Vol.9, No.9, pp. 1-20 (7월, 2019)
  • [논문] Ankit Mahendra, 박대찬, Amita Aggarwal, Chandra Mohan, Cristian Coarfa, Gabrielle Romain, Jason Roszik, Jay R. T. Adolacion, Keith Wanzeck, Peng Qiu, S. Louis Bridges Jr., Sanam Soomro, Sandeep K. Agarwal, Shaza Abnouf, Xingyu Yang, Navin Varadarajan, Beyond autoantibodies: Biological roles of human autoreactive B cells in rheumatoid arthritis revealed by RNA‐sequencing, ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY, Vol.71, No.4, pp. 529-541 (4월, 2019)
  • [논문] 박대찬, 이두영, 박준현, 김종헌, 신찬석, Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease sculpts the 3′ ends of microRNAs, RNA-A PUBLICATION OF THE RNA SOCIETY, Vol.25, No.3, pp. 388-405 (3월, 2019)
  • [논문] 박대찬, Andrew D. Ellington, 정철희, Selection of self-priming molecular replicators, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, Vol.47, No.5, pp. 2169-2176 (1월, 2019)
  • [논문] Yaelim Lee, 박대찬, Vishwanath R. Iyer, The ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler Chd1 is recruited by transcription elongation factors and maintains H3K4me3/H3K36me3 domains at actively transcribed and spliced genes, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, pp. 7180-7190 (7월, 2017)
  • [논문] Jiwon Lee, 박대찬, Aliaksandr Druz, Andrew D Ellington, Andrew P Horton, Baoshan Zhang, Brandon J DeKosky, Chalise E Carter, Chang-Han Lee, Christopher Vollmers, Constantine Chrysostomou, Cornelia L Dekker, Daniel R Boutz, Edward M Marcotte, Ellen M Murrin, Florian Krammer, Gregory C Ippolito, Jason J Lavinder, John R Mascola, Kam Hon Hoi, Kwanyee Leung, Lingshu Wang, Lyubov I Popova, M Gordon Joyce, Mark M Davis, Patrick C Wilson, Paul V Thomas, Peter D Kwong, Stephen R Quake, Ted M Ross, Veronika Chromikova, Wing-Pui Kong, Yaroslav Tsybovsky, Yi Zhang, George Georgiou, Molecular-level analysis of the serum antibody repertoire in young adults before and after seasonal influenza vaccination , NATURE MEDICINE, pp. 1456-1464 (12월, 2016)
  • [논문] Brandon J. DeKosky, Oana I. Lungu, 박대찬, Andrew D. Ellington, Constantine Chrysostomou, Daisuke Kuroda, Erik L. Johnson, Gregory C. Ippolito, Jeffrey J. Gray, Wissam Charab, George Georgiou, Large-scale sequence and structural comparisons of human naive and antigen-experienced antibody repertoires, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, pp. E2636-E2645 (5월, 2016)
  • [논문] Dingxiao Zhang, 박대찬, Dean G. Tang, Hsueh-Ping Chao, Jianjun Shen, Kiera Rycaj, Pamela Whitney, Shuai Gong, Tammy Calhoun-Davis, Vishwanath R. Iyer, Xin Chen, Xin Liu, Yi Zhong, Yoko Takata, Yue Lu, Stem cell and neurogenic gene-expression profiles link prostate basal cells to aggressive prostate cancer, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, pp. 10798-10798 (2월, 2016)
  • [논문] Joseph D. Dekker, 박대찬, Arthur L. Shaffer, Bum-Kyu Lee, George Georgiou, Gregory C. Ippolito, Holger Kohlhammer, Louis M. Staudt, Vishwanath R. Iyer, Wei Deng, Haley O. Tucker, Subtype-specific addiction of the activated B-cell subset of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma to FOXP1, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, pp. E577-E586 (2월, 2016)
  • [논문] 박대찬, Haridha Shivram, Vishwanath R. Iyer, Chd1 co-localizes with early transcription elongation factors independently of H3K36 methylation and releases stalled RNA polymerase II at introns, EPIGENETICS & CHROMATIN, pp. 32-32 (10월, 2014)
  • [논문] 박대찬, Sanghee Ki, Haewon Chung, Hilary J. Selden, Jonghwan Kim, Jun Seita, Vishwanath R. Iyer, Lauren I.R. Ehrlich, Global transcriptional profiling reveals distinct functions of thymic stromal subsets and age-related changes during thymic involution, CELL REPORTS, pp. 402-415 (10월, 2014)
  • [논문] 박대찬, Adam R. Morris, Anna Battenhouse, Vishwanath R. Iyer, Simultaneous mapping of transcript ends at single-nucleotide resolution and identification of widespread promoter-associated non-coding RNA governed by TATA elements, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, Vol.42, No.6, pp. 3736-3749 (4월, 2014)
  • [논문] 박대찬, Gurvani Bhupindersingh, Yaelim Lee, Vishwanath R. Iyer, Widespread misinterpretable ChIP-seq bias in yeast, PLoS ONE, Vol.8, No.12, pp. 1-16 (12월, 2013)
  • [논문] Moon Cheol Park, 박대찬, Eun-Kyung Lee, Taesung Park, Junho Lee, Genomic analysis of the telomeric length effect on organismic lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, pp. 382-387 (5월, 2010)
해당 데이터는 존재하지 않습니다.
  • [학술회의] 박대찬, Genomic Characterization of Stromal Environment in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma, International Conference of the Genetics Society of Korea 2022, (10월, 2022)
  • [학술회의] 김재훈, 박대찬, 정상택, 조미경, Deep Learning Assisted Antibody Discovery, 2022 한국생물공학회 춘계학술발표대회 및 국제심포지엄, (4월, 2022)
  • [학술회의] 박대찬, Proteogenomic analysis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, International Conference of the Genetics Society of Korea 2020, (11월, 2020)
  • [학술회의] 박대찬, Identification of tumor antigens for vaccine development through integrative multi-omics, The 16th International Conference on Bioinformatics, (8월, 2020)
  • [학술회의] 박대찬, Selection of self-priming molecular replicators, The International Conference of the Genetics Society of Korea 2019 (ICGSK 2019) , (11월, 2019)
  • [학술회의] 박대찬, Genomic analysis of self-growing DNA in molecular evolution system, The 15th International Conference on Bioinformatics (BIOINFO 2019), (8월, 2019)
  • [학술회의] 박대찬, Deep Sequencing of the Antibody Repertoire, International Congress of ORL-HNS 2018 및 제92차 대한이비인후과학회 학술대회 및 2018년 춘계 대한이비인후과의사회 학술대회 , (4월, 2018)
  • [학술회의] 김종서, 김천아, 성상현, 박대찬, 이준호, Lengthening life by telomeres reforged with non-telomeric sequences, 한국분자세포생물학회 노인성질환연구분과 하계심포지엄, (8월, 2023)
  • [학술회의] 박대찬, Streamlined selection of cancer antigens for vaccine development through integrative multi-omics, The 16th KOGO Winter Symposium, (2월, 2020)
  • [학술회의] 박대찬, Repertoire analysis of human autoreactive B cells in rheumatoid arthritis by deep sequencing, 2018 한국 항체 소사이어티 하계 워크샵, (7월, 2018)
  • [학술회의] 박대찬, 백신에 의해 유도된 항체 레파토리에 대한 유전단백체 분석, 한국공업화학회 춘계학술대회, (5월, 2018)
해당 데이터는 존재하지 않습니다.

특허 및 기타

  • [특허] 유태현, 김민주, 박대찬, 박예섭, NphB 변이체 및 이를 이용한 칸나비제롤산의 제조, 특허, (출원) (10-2024-0078781) (6월, 2024)
  • [특허] 박대찬, 문재윤, 유전체 비교에 의한 수두대상포진 바이러스 백신 약독화 평가 방법, 특허, (출원) (10-2023-0066853) (5월, 2023)
  • [특허] 박대찬, 백성희, 부경진, 오성룡, 이지민, PHF6를 표적으로 하는 히스톤 H2B 에피제네틱 조절제 스크리닝 방법, 특허, (출원) (2022-563022) (10월, 2022)
  • [특허] 박대찬, 김재훈, MLL3/4 복합체를 경유한 PHF20 의한 히스톤 3 메틸화를 통한 자가포식 조절 방법 및 그 용도, 특허, (출원) (10-2022-0090845) (7월, 2022)
  • [특허] 박대찬, 김동하, 백성희, 오세규, 황성순, RORα를 표적으로 하는 염증성 장질환 치료제 스크리닝 방법, 특허, (등록) (10-2371436) (3월, 2022)
  • [특허] 박대찬, 백성희, 부경진, 오성룡, 이지민, PHF6를 표적으로 하는 히스톤 H2B 에피제네틱 조절제 스크리닝 방법, 특허, (등록) (10-2317670) (10월, 2021)
  • [특허] 박대찬, 백성희, 부경진, 오성룡, 이지민, PHF6를 표적으로 하는 히스톤 H2B 에피제네틱 조절제 스크리닝 방법, 특허, (출원) (PCT/KR2021/009223) (7월, 2021)
  • [특허] 박대찬, 오세규, 김동하, 백성희, 황성순, 알오알알파를 표적으로 하는 염증성 장질환 치료제 스크리닝 방법, 특허, (출원) (PCT/KR2019/016833) (12월, 2019)