Ajou News

NEW (2015-12-07)World-OKTA Chairman Ki Chool Park participates in the last Ajou Brown Bag Meeting for 2015 as a guest

  • 2015-12-14
  • 24416

World-OKTA Chairman Ki Chool Park participates in the last Ajou Brown Bag Meeting for 2015 as a guest


The fourteenth Brown Bag Meeting of Ajou University was held at noon on December 7th in the Conference Room 1 in Yulgok Hall, with Chairman Ki Chool Park of the World-OKTA (Overseas Korean Traders Associations) in attendance. The Brown Bag Meeting began in March, and has been held every other week during the regular semesters this year, and Chairman Park was the first guest to be invited to the Meeting on that day, which is the last one for this year.

Ajou's President Dong Yeon Kim and Chairman Park exchanged a variety of questions and answers with students for about an hour over sandwiches.

Regarding Chairman Park, President Kim said, "He has keen interest in international experiences and challenges of young students and was happy to participate in Ajou's After You Program when he heard about its missions," adding, "I ask you to learn his aggressive attitude and confidence in taking on challenges."

When asked about the reason for his success, Chairman Park said, "I was able to enter a large conglomerate though I was not from a major university. The reason why I was successful as an employee was that I had the endurance to accomplish a goal through the end when I had one," adding, "I had many challenges in business because I started it later than others. So, I try to give advice based on my experiences to young people like you as often as I can."

Chairman Park promised that the World-OKTA will provide full support to the Overseas Company Internship Credits, a program proposed by the University as part of the Creative Activity Semester that will be introduced in the 2016 academic year. He also committed himself to participate as a guest in the Mentoring Program for Pleasant Innovation, which will also begin next year and arrange mentors to Ajou's students for counseling on issues regarding their lives, future careers, and other more personal ones.