Ajou News

NEW (2016-02-03)Ajou holds the 2016 Vice President's Workshop for one night and two days

  • 2016-02-17
  • 24869

Ajou holds the 2016 Vice President's Workshop for one night and two days 





Ajou University held the 2016 Vice President's Workshop for one night and two days (February 1st and 2nd) at the KB Ingenium located in Suwon. The Workshop was attended by President Dong Yeon Kim, Executive Vice President for Industry-Academia Cooperation Kyung Hee Choi, Dean of the Graduate School Joong Soon Jang, and all the vice presidents from the University.



During the event, participants discussed and shared development directions of the University. For every issue, not only the responsible departments but team leaders and staff members who are interested joined discussions and presented a variety of ideas in a comfortable setting. Hence, there were heated debates on each and every topic, which made the discussions last longer than scheduled.



The Workshop began with a presentation on a survey of Ajou's image, followed by discussions of 13 issues, including the Creative Activity Semester, a talent-fostering project tailored to social needs, strategies for improving university evaluation criteria, the remodeling of the University library, the campus master plan, fostering student employment, promoting research activities, the Ajourian Project, directions for the University's globalization, changes in admission policies, improving the scholarship system, Pleasant Innovation & mentoring programs, and inviting professors.



In his evaluation to conclude the workshop, President Kim said, "We started the workshop with survey findings on the University's image, and I ask that we prepare for the future by clearly understanding Ajou's current status from objective viewpoints. He added, "We should constantly ask questions in our day-to-day work in order not to get lost in the work itself, but to remind ourselves of our goals and directions," emphasizing, "You should not be bound to existing practices." President Kim went on to say, "The workshop was very helpful in establishing plans and directions for the University's development by sharing various in-depth ideas among participants," requesting, "I ask that all the Ajou people continue to take interest in the general operation of the University from broader perspectives."